Maryland Enacts Mandatory Private-Sector Retirement Program That Impacts Most Maryland Employers
June 28 2016 - Lexology
Maryland joins California, Connecticut,
Illinois, and Oregon in leading state initiatives to set up state-sponsored
retirement plans for employees. The Maryland Small Business Retirement Savings
Program and Trust (gProgramh), which is effective on July 1, 2016, requires
covered private-sector employers to participate in the Program. Covered
employers will be required to remit employee payroll contributions into an IRA,
and the State will act as the Programfs fiduciary.
An 11-member board (gthe Boardh) will implement and administer the Program.
Although the Program takes effect on July 1, 2016, it may not be implemented
until the Board determines that the Program qualifies for favorable tax
treatment under the Internal Revenue Code and that it is exempt from the
provisions of the federal Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974
(gERISAh). In that regard, in November 2015, the U. S. Department of Labor
proposed a rule (RIN: 1210-AB71), entitled gSavings Arrangements Established by
States for Non-Governmental Employeesh (gthe Ruleh). The Rule proposes to set
forth a safe harbor under which a state could establish a payroll deduction
savings program without giving rise to an employee benefit plan under ERISA, and
it appears that the Rule may take effect in or around September 2016. As such,
employers may not have to comply until sometime after the final Rule takes
Covered and Participating Employers
The definition of gcovered employerh under the Program is broad. All
non-governmental for-profit and nonprofit employers that pay their employees
through a payroll system or service are covered under the Program. Accordingly,
although the Program ostensibly was enacted to cover small businesses, it may
impact almost every employer in Maryland. A gparticipating employerh is defined
as a gcovered employerh that provides a payroll deposit retirement savings
arrangement under the Program for its covered employees.
An employer is exempted from participation if it: (1) currently offers an
employer-sponsored savings arrangement; (2) offered an employer-sponsored plan
within preceding two calendar years; or (3) has not been in business during the
current and preceding calendar years. The Program provides that an employee
of a non-participating employer may elect to participate in the Program as
authorized by the Board. Although the language of the law it not clear, this may
mean that employers who already maintain a retirement savings plan, or who are
otherwise non-participating employers, may be required to participate if an
employee elects to participate in the Program.
Rather than participate in the Program, covered employers may elect to
establish alternative savings arrangement for their employees. An employerfs
participation in the Program, however, does not create a fiduciary liability for
the employer. Specifically employers are not liable for employeesf decisions to
participate or to opt out of the Program, or for employeesf investment
decisions. Further employers are not responsible for program design,
administration, investment, or performance.
Covered Employees
Generally, gcovered employeesh are employees without access to an
employer-sponsored retirement plan who are at least 18 years old. Employees who
are exempted from coverage are employees: (1) who are eligible to participate in
an employer-sponsored plan and (2) who are covered by a collective bargaining
agreement that expressly provides for a multiemployer retirement plan, and
employees under age 18. Although not expressly stated in the law, the definition
of gcovered employeeh suggests that those employees who do not yet have access
to their employerfs retirement plan due to, for example, service and/or hours
eligibility requirements, may be eligible to participate in the Program.
Employee Contributions and Automatic Enrollment
After the Board establishes the Program and opens it for enrollment, covered
employers must establish a payroll deposit savings program that allows for
employee participation in the Program. Employers will be required to
automatically enroll covered employees in the Program. The Program will consist
of one or more payroll deposit IRA arrangements.
Unless employees indicate otherwise, they must contribute a default fixed
percentage or dollar amount to be determined by the Board. Employers will be
responsible for remitting employee contributions pursuant to regulations and/or
procedures that the Board will establish. Employees may opt out of the Program
in accordance with procedures that will be established by the Board.
Role of the Board
The Board must act solely in the interest of the program participants, and
establish a written investment policy that includes a risk management and
oversight program. The Board must also enter into an agreement delegating the
administration of the Program to a third-party administrator.
Additionally, the Board must adopt regulations and take any other action
necessary to implement the Program consistent with the federal Internal Revenue
Code and ensure that the program meets the criteria for tax-deferral or
tax-exempt status, or both. The Program establishes additional requirements and
authority related to the Boardfs administration of the Program, including
without limitation:
- the authority to borrow funds from the State or any other entity for
start-up costs until the board becomes self-sufficient;
- a requirement to establish a range of investment options, including a
default option, that minimize the risk of significant investment losses and
that are consistent with other specifications in the bill;
- a requirement to establish minimum and maximum employee contribution
levels in accordance with federal limits on IRAs;
- a requirement to take any action necessary to ensure that the program is
not preempted by federal law;
- a requirement to establish procedures and disclosures to protect the
interests of participants and employers; and
- a requirement to design and disseminate information regarding the program
to employers and employees. The information must include appropriate
background and disclosures about the program and other retirement savings
options, including information on how employees can opt out of the
Employer Incentives
Employers that participate in the program or otherwise offer an
employer-sponsored retirement plan are exempted from Marylandfs annual filing
fee collected by the State Department of Assessments and Taxation for
corporations and business entities, which is generally $300 per year.
As noted above, another incentive for employers is that they are not
fiduciaries under the Program. The Program expressly provides that gan employer
is not a fiduciary, and may not be considered to be a fiduciaryh of the Program.
Further, an employer may not be held liable for: (1) an employeefs decision to
participate in or opt out of the program; (2) the investment decisions of
employees; (3) the administration, investment, or investment performance of the
Program; or (4) the Program design or benefits paid to participating
Although much is yet to be done before the Program takes effect, one thing is
clear: Maryland employers will be required to sponsor their own retirement plan
or automatically enroll their employees into the Program. Notably, the Program
does not contain any penalties for employers who fail to comply, nor does it
suggest that the Board would be authorized to impose such penalties